Academic Year 2024-2025
Prices valid on August 30, 2024
The meal rates provided reflect the amount students and their guests (when not using a meal plan), faculty and staff will be charged to eat at a dining hall. Note the rate varies slightly depending on the method of payment. Sales tax will be added to the rate for non-students.
Student Charge Meal Rates
- Breakfast: $13.10
- Lunch or Brunch: $16.00
- Dinner: $22.50
Paw Points Meal Rates
Sales tax will be added to the rate for non-students.
- Breakfast: $12.45
- Lunch or Brunch: 15.20
- Dinner: $21.40
*Center for Jewish Life Meal Rates
(Non-University Visitors)
- Breakfast: $15.14
- Lunch or Saturday Dinner: $22.07
- Dinner or Saturday Lunch: $28.90
- Friday Shabbat Dinner: $31.88
*All prices include tax